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The large format is in great shape

11 June 2021

Atlas Concorde and the subtle charm of the extra-large coverings of the new collections. All with a high rate of design and sustainability.

Versatile, chameleon-like, resistant: ceramics, in its many forms, is increasingly the protagonist of the interior design of homes, workspaces, hotels, lounges, restaurants, outdoor spaces, as well as a testing ground for new technologies in the industrial sector that to high performance combine contemporary aesthetics that play with the materials and their effect. They range from the grain of the woods to the materiality of marble and stone to the urban atmospheres of concrete and resins. Not to mention the color that, as in fashion, sees the development of color palettes - that also include the shine of metals - giving life to unique and original collections. But there is another aspect that, speaking today of porcelain tiles, must be absolutely mentioned and it is the format. Yes, because when we talk about cladding and the expressive potential of horizontal and vertical surfaces, dimensions matter and a fundamental role is played by extra-large sheets (with minimum thicknesses) that, at the last Cersaie edition, in Bologna, received an unquestionable success. Atlas Concorde is well aware of the fact and it presented, both at the fair and in its headquarters, collections that are really interesting and original, beautiful to look at (and to touch), designed to combine design and practicality through large formats.

Let's get more specific, then, and see why the large format slabs today are very popular and what advantages they offer. First of all, they make the most of the graphics, with an optical effect of visual continuity and expansion of the space, so that any room appears larger, airier, brighter. Then there are practical aspects of no second importance: the large format reduces the number of leaks, favoring, in addition to better hygiene, the perception of domestic landscapes that harmoniously bind, without interruption, walls and floors, suggesting an elegant and never ostentatious whole. Even the slim thickness (in 6 and 9 mm thickness) represents one of the strengths of these surfaces, since it is easy to lay and maintain. Finally, porcelain tiles is a material resistant to stains, chemicals, fire, scratches, humidity, frost. It is easy to clean and maintain and contains the keyword of these times: eco-sustainability. In other words: aesthetic plus ethics.

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Speaking instead of the richness of the range, a wide range of large sizes, with infinite compositional options capable of satisfying even very different tastes and needs, is offered, as mentioned above, by Atlas Concorde, whose XL proposal stands out for its chromatic breadth, look, inspirational motifs, decorative proposals, as well as for all the features linked to the performance of the large sheets and porcelain tiles, of which we have spoken above. Without neglecting the beauty of the surfaces, the result of an aesthetic research pursued with the same tenacity as the technological one.

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The result, for those who look and touch one of the brand's collections, looking for the ideal solution, is more than obvious. If you are looking for a marble effect, if you love the vibrations of patterns inspired by wood or if you want to reproduce the feeling of a floor cast in situ or an exposed concrete wall, perhaps embellished with metal details, Atlas Concorde offers countless solutions. All products have a great graphic variability and are presented in different finishes (from matte to polished).

That's not all: Atlas Concorde large formats are not limited to covering floors and walls in interior design projects, new buildings, outdoor spaces, but they break down the boundary between architecture and furniture becoming - in harmony or in contrast with the surfaces - washbasin topstable tops and much more. A varied, customizable total look that ranges from the minimal to the richest effects, that in the interiors is capable of making the difference.

Special thanks to ELLE DECOR ITALIA

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