Wellness centre materials can make your room look (and feel) like an oasis of relax.
Turning your bathroom into a spa is easy if you know how to do it
30 April 2018
Because of rainy Sundays, of that endless meeting and of the fight that needs to be washed away: for all these reasons, but mostly not to let stress get the upper hand, it’s time to turn your bathroom into a spa.
Dedicating an entire room to your exclusive well-being is a crucial step towards facing the week with easiness. The bathroom is, by all means, the best choice: on one side because, once you lock the door, it’s off-limits for anyone else; on the other because, upon following the right tips, it’s easy to turn it into an exclusive home-made spa. Plunging into your scented bath tub, under the candle light and a soft background tune: only thinking about it can make you less stressed.
Atlas Concorde hasn’t just thought about it: its collections of tiles, and their mix match of colours and material effects, add both personality and functionality to a room. Think about NID, the oak-look collection for porcelain floor and wall tiles that immediately instil a sense of purity and naturalness to any environment; or what about Arkshade and its colourful and vibrant hues? Just perfect!
Here there are some tips for you!
The look-a-like you were… looking for!
Atlas Concorde wood-look inspiration: NID 3D Wooden Mix – presented both in the Cashmere and in the Natural-Whisky variations.
For a fully relaxing experience, it’s time to choose how you want your floor and walls to look. There are three material inspirations we think you should take into consideration: wood, marble and stone. Atlas Concorde gres tiles interpret with piercing realism these materials, matching the elegant aesthetic with great technical performances. The choice is up to you:
Wood look – if you know the meaning of forest therapy and you want to replicate it, try the wood-look gres tiles that faithfully reproduce the timbers natural shades and veining
Stone look – if you prefer an urban and metropolitan approach, go for the stone-look gres tiles and their vigorous style
Marble look – if the word etymology (μαρμαίρω, shine) is also your 2018 resolution, the elegant marble look is definitely what you are looking for
One more tip for you – If what you strive for are unique emotions to live in three dimensions, then have a look at the eloquent designer reliefs of the 3D Wall Design collection. Lights, shadows, visual impact, geometric and sinuous shapes will add character to your bathroom-spa!
Understanding decluttering
Both compact and smooth, the 3D Ribbon waves slide over the tiles and their movement emulates relaxing draperies.
It’s way more than just a verb: it’s a lifestyle taking inspiration from the Japanese minimalist philosophy that basically suggests getting rid of some stuff to make one’s mind lighter. This means that, in order to turn your bathroom into a spa, you have to dispose of anything that’s an extra, like those eye shadows-perfumes-bubble baths left half-empty; and consequently that you should save only the must-haves, meaning the products you use on a daily basis. If you’re terribly hurt even by the idea of leaving behind the lipstick you bought in high school, then hide it in a box or in a small closet under the sink. Because decluttering means simply less is more (and it might work even if you are cheating a little bit).
Be careful though: decluttering doesn’t mean that your bathroom needs to be deprived of any decorative element! A good alternative to endless rows of knick-knacks can be found in the 3D WALL DESIGN collection and, in particular, the three-dimension ceramic tiles crossed by sinuous motives and natural reliefs, like Wind, Ribbon or Flows.
How to properly give the green light
Why does not add a hint of green also to the walls? Here’s the Arkshade Gemstone suggestion together with 3D WIND, the ceramic wall whose soft and curvy movements are ideal to decorate wellness projects or design spa.
Giving the green light: being granted the permission to do something. In this case, to relax. To do it properly and to definitely say goodbye to anxiety, it’s green indeed that plays a crucial role. The contact with nature, the plants vitality and their colours help fighting stress: surround yourself with orchids, ferns and aloes that react well to humidity.
The importance of lights and colours
wo 3D ceramic tile walls and their geometric design jazz up the SPA room. The blending between vivid hues, pastel nuances and light tones creates a truly comforting and relaxing environment.
If choosing materials is key, deciding on colours is crucial when relaxation is at stake. Go for neutral and light paints, like beige or white, which lighten stress up without overloading your mind. Does this mean that you must let go of brighter shades? Not at all: it means that you’d better concentrate on some specific ones, like the ones presented by Arkshade collection. For a 100% warming environment, choose the matte shades rather than the glossy ones:
Yellow – connected to the left side of our brain, is considered to be a protective colour linked to good temper. Also available in mosaic version.
Gemstone – linked to nature, it is the colour of harmony symbolizing balance. Also available in Flag and Sail mosaic versions.
Blue – reassuring and refreshing, it is the colour that moderates and makes daily problems go away. Also available in Flag and Sail mosaic versions.
Moreover, Arkshade presents three-dimensional wall tiles: the contraposition of a neutral palette for floors and 3D vivid blue ceramic tiles, for instance, is surely a stylistic inspiration to give to the environment a glossy and shiny look.
And what about light? Nothing is better than a couple of candles to plunge the atmosphere in a faint, calming light capable of pushing the pause button to negative thoughts.
thanks to DECOR