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Atlas Concorde for the W Hotel in Osaka

02 May 2021

Culture and lifestyle blend together in the Japanese metropolis thanks to the elegance of marble-look porcelain tiles by Atlas Concorde, protagonists of the W Hotel in Osaka.

Color depth and richness of graphic design reproduce the refinement and opulence of real marble, for floors and walls clad with marble-effect porcelain where attention to detail stylishly emphasizes the ambiance dedicated to hospitality. The elegance of the Atlas Concorde marble-look tiles on the floor and wall illuminates the atmosphere with a surface that embellishes the space, creating a luxurious climate and an idea of elegance with a timeless charm. The details, shading, and graphic variability faithfully reproduce the original natural material, combining beauty and the functional characteristics of marble-effect porcelain tiles. Employed in a range of formats, marble-effect porcelain tiles give the W Hotel in Osaka an esthetic power and expressive vigor.

 Photo credits © Marriott International

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